Updating a computer's inventory

If you have made changes to a computer, for example installing a new network card or the latest service pack, you need to update the computer's inventory. Although the inventory can be updated automatically as a scheduled task, you can update a computer's inventory whenever it is required.

To update a computer's inventory

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Picture of the Computers icon Computers and choose All Computers.

  2. From the right-hand pane, right-click the computer and from the menu choose Tasks, Update Inventory. The inventory is updated as a background task.


  • Update Inventory is also available by selecting the computer and from the Tasks menu choosing Computers, Update Inventory.

  • You can use the same process to update the inventories of multiple computers. First select all of the computers that you wish to update.

  • You can also update the inventories of all computers in a particular location. Refer to Locations Help for more information.

Related Topics

View a computer's inventory